Monday 10 November 2014

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Hello everyone once again, I hope you are having a good week J
Today I will write the last post!!!! And this is about English language challenges. Well on respect this subject in the university I think that this is very important for professional development, but the truth is I'm not very good at writing but I think this experience has helped me to improve many aspects of writing for example before I found it very hard to write in English, but now I can write more fluently, also I improved my vocabulary and other aspects. In general I enjoyed this experience because we can learn every time more and can also improving the vocabulary, grammar and spelling in a fun way and more friendly with people.
Really I love it reading but I not write very well in English, but I think practice makes perfect (this proverb is very wise :P) so… I think the most important thing is to practice, whether written, read or interact with someone who actually speaks well English (I think this is the best method to learn the language).
I must confess that in my daily life I tend not to use the language frequently, but in college I often read papers that are written in English and I think that is all (hahaha) but I think I should practice a lot because this language is very important in any workplace in which you want to develop.

Finally thank you for reading my posts I hope you liked my posts because were made with all my love. See you soon!!! 

Monday 3 November 2014

Post 9: 2014 Have you had a good year?

Hello everyone once again, I hope you are fine, today I will write about of balance as has been my year… hmm where to start?? I think that in general my year has been very good except for some specific situations. First I remember some cute situations, for example when we went from summer practice with my classmates, I remember we had fun and learned, also my holidays I enjoyed so much, travel through southern Chile and I was met very nice places but best of all was to have traveled with my puppy Gaspar. Then… last semester I was relatively well in classes, except math that is a subject which I do not do well (I think that's the only bad thing that has happened this year), but other subjects have been very positive. Then in the winter break, my classmates and I went to the north of the country as part of the practice, there are many beautiful places and different type of animals, I think it was a great pleasure to share with my classmates, it certainly is a fact that would file this year 2014. Well what else can I say? I think I want to do before the end of this year is to finish well the subjects of the university to enjoy my vacation, I have planned to go south after practice and spend my time with Mapuche’s communities especially working with children is what I like, but mostly I want to go far from the city and enjoy nature.

Well that’s all for today. See you next time!! 

Here a picture with my classmates <3

Monday 27 October 2014

Post 8: Let's talk about money

Hello every once again, I hope that you are fine, today I will write about the dirty cash :P
Well… it’s so very hard for me to talk about money because I think money is a human invention to give meaning and value to unimportant things for example associate happiness with something material like a new car. I would like life without this, but it’s so very difficult because the system in which we are doesn’t allow us. I think that the best mechanism to trade is the exchange (but unfortunately this is an almost impossible dream of doing :/).
If you ask me what do you spend my money on? I think that the first is food and clothes, although I also like to invest in books or I don’t know other things related to my hobbies. I think I am not good at managing my money because my mom always tells me that I know my priorities (always nags me for this hahaha).
If you ask me what would you invest your money in If I was a millionaire?… I think that I invest firstly in the conservation of ecosystems and endangered species, travel around the world to learn about the different cultures and then I would move far away from the city to live surrounded by nature (this would be wonderful :P)…  but I’m not a millionaire L.
Finally if I had to pawn some of my things I think it would be my guitar, because it is very valuable to me and I will have reasons to recover it.
That’s all for today. See you soon!

Monday 20 October 2014

Post 7: How Green are You?

Hello everyone again, I’m back and I hope that you are fine !!
Today I will write about the environmentaly friendly practices. Well, I remember that when I was a child and I went to school I learnt about the process of recycling, for example to separate the organics waste from the inorganic waste, or to make paper recycle. At the present I don’t recycle because I’m living in an apartment and it is really hard to do the process of recycling :P
On the other hand I can’t use the bike regularly because the university is far away from my house but I usually use the bike on weekends (and I love it), so I normally use buses or subway as transportation. Hmmm what else?… I don’t participate in any eco-organization, because I have little time to be part actively of an organization or ONG, but the truth is that I would like to be part of one these.
Anyway in the future I would like to learn about composting to have to make my own compost and organic garden and not to buy transgenic vegetables also which had pesticide (this is my biggest dream :D).
Finally I think there have been changes and improvement, but there is still work to do on recycling culture, especially work and raise the children so that they take care and enhance the environment.

Well… that is all for today, see you next week

Monday 6 October 2014

Post 6: A piece of News

Hello everyone, I hope that you’re fine, today I will write about a news I was reading the last week in a web site called Science Alert, the news talking about “Antarctica’s lost so much ice it’s changed Earth’s gravity”. This is because of the global warming that causing melting of glaciers mainly found in the Antarctic continent that has now lost so much ice it’s caused a noticeable shift in Earth’s gravity, this study was done between  2009 to 2012  for the European Space Agency (ESA) with the satellite GOCE,and was observed that increase in the sea levels due to melting glacier which causes a change in the gravitational field of the Earth is observed (however it is not something to be alarmed in a short term) BUT!! It’s doesn't mean that the lost of the levels don't become something worrying, because this year, an unrelated team concluded that major West Antarctic glaciers have now begun “unstoppable” collapse, and would lead to unpreventable sea level rise of several metres over the next several hundred years. On the other hand the ESA’s CryoSat satellite, which measures the altitude of regions on Earth, also recently revealed that the rate at which ice has been lost from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has increased by a factor of three every year since 2009.
What else I can say? The results of the global warming are evident and this is a theme that affect to everyone.

See you next time

Monday 29 September 2014

Post 5: My Future Job

Hello everyone again… today I will write about my future job
So... it’s very difficult for me to imagine something that represents me 100 percent because I don’t like working (hahaha) but I think and feel that if I choose something, I would like to learn different things about the environment, specifically conservation, restoration or wildfire management; also I would like to work on something outdoors or in contact with the nature (I think that that's why I entered this career) and not to have schedules (please!), really I would like to see trees all day (I think that this job is perfect for me) or… I don’t, know, I like a lot of things about the nature and the different ecosystem, for example the forestry of the forest or understand the processes of the trees. Well… regarding to my strengths I would say that I like to learn new things of all sorts, also I’m a patient person, I like working in teams and I like to do different kind of activities rather than being in an office all day (I really hate it), On the other hand I think that my main weaknesses are that I don’t like having schedules because I’m not a punctual person (hahaha). Finally I can say that, I love the nature very much, that any job that allows me to stay in contact with the nature is perfect for me JSee you soon!!

Monday 22 September 2014

Post 4: My Best Friend

Hello everyone again :D
I hope that you enjoy your holidays
Well today I will write about my best friend, It is so hard to choose because I don't have friends (I'm not a social person)  L but I think that my puppy Gaspar is the best and loyal friend that someone can get.  So… what can I say? Really I love it, I met it when it arrived in my house last year, I have it since it was three months old and we have been together for a year and a half. Gaspar is very playfull and I think that I never get bored with it (it always makes me laugh) and we enjoy together when I take him for a walk, but sometimes it escapes and makes me run (⌐⌐ )… also I think that it never betrays me and always gives me love without asking anything  :D
If you ask me what has been the best experience I've had with it? I think that when we went on holidays this summer because I remember that it felt free and it ran all day (I enjoyed very much to see that) and played with all the animals it saw.
So more can I say? I once read something like: "The more people I meet, the more I love my dog" I think that phrase is very true

Hahaha well see you next time 

Here I leave a picture of Gaspar and me :D